Our Hawaiʻi Island, Our Health

Our mission is to convene stakeholders, healthcare providers, and policymakers to drive solutions that improve the health of our community.

2024 Hawaiʻi Island Healthcare Conference

Our annual Hawaiʻi Island Conference is on the horizon!

Join us on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at the Westin Hapuna Beach Resort in West Hawaiʻi.

Advance Health Care Directives

An Advance Healthcare Directive tells your healthcare providers who should speak for you and what medical decisions they should make if you become unable to speak for yourself.

If you’d like help filling one out or would like to update your current one, please click below to learn more and sign up for one of our workshops.

Our Focus Areas

Our community-led approach unites the efforts of patients, providers, and policymakers to drive forward solutions that improve the health of our community. We operate a variety of programs that focus on three key pillars: expanding access to care, increasing health literacy, and building health networks.

Expanding Access to Care

We work to make timely and affordable access to healthcare available to all communities across Hawaiʻi Island. Learn more.

Increasing Health Literacy

We take a community-based approach to improving health literacy, well-being, and addressing disparities in healthcare. Learn more.

Building Health Networks

We foster trusted networks of individuals and organizations working in healthcare and social services on Hawaiʻi Island. Learn more.
